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Corporate Onsite Fitness Centers Show Large Return On Investment ROI.

Convenience is the most powerful factor in making sure employees participate in fitness programs. And onsite corporate fitness facilities show significant payback on investment in just a little time.

Read why your Corporate organization will want an onsite fitness center.  Look at the success of these experienced programs.  Rent Gym Equipment.

1) The Dupont Corporation reduced sick days, ( absenteeism ), by 47.5% over 6 years for their employees who participated in its corporate fitness program.

2) The Steelcase Company did a study showing 55% lower medical claims costs for their fitness program participants.   Compared to their non-participating employees over a 6 year period.

3) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana showed their corporate fitness program had a 250% return on corporate  wellness  investment. That's $2.51 for every $1 invested over a 5 year period. 

4) The Union Pacific Railroad Company, showed 80% of employees reported their exercise program was helping them to be more productive at work, and 75% said regular exercise was helping them achieve higher levels of relaxation and concentration in the work place.

The best advice is using The Rent Fitness Equipment Company to set up your corporate fitness center on a month to month rental with free maintenance and repairs forever.  

A corporation should not purchase the fitness equipment for their fitness program because it is a depreciating asset and costs more money in the long run than renting.

Contact Steve Paterson

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