CALL (877) 736-8348


Best Western Hotel Standard with 1 to 50 rooms

The Rent Fitness Equipment Company has prepared this custom package for your lowest cost compliance.

For only $248.00 per monthly rental you get all this with regular maintenance and repairs forever. At just $8 dollars per day and only .33 cents per hour. In a 50 room Hotel you pay only .16 cents per room per day.

All the Gym machines in your proposal are Health Club Quality and comply with Ballot 7.

Rent Gym Equipment.

1 x Precor Health Club quality treadmill.
1 x Star Trac Health Club quality recumbent exercise bike.
1 x Stairmaster Health Club quality stepper machine.

                                                                Precor Treadmill

                                                            Star Trac Recumbent bike

                                                                Stairmaster Stepper